Quality Manager
mquiring@connectgi.com | (780) 701-3881 (Ext. 101)

Mike Q is an integral member of our Technical Services team. Mike is Connect Group’s Quality Manager and brings with him experience that includes 27 years of industrial experience, the majority of which has been in a Quality Lead/Manager position. Mike’s positions have covered a range of scopes including: sawmill fabrication & construction, bridge fabrication & construction, structural/piping fabrication & construction, oil & gas construction to ASME B31.3 / B31.1 (NBEP & BEP) / CSA Z662 & upstream oil sand extraction.
Mike has an eye for detail, especially in project controls and has experience in working with and managing scheduling, developing Installation Work Plans (IWP’s) and reviewing Construction Work Packages/IFC drawings to customize installation execution. As CGI’s Quality Manager, Mike is also a CWB/AWS Level 2 Welding Inspector, ISO 9001 Lead Auditor, Leader in Safety Excellence, and has a strong Quality Management background in Piping, Structural, Civil (earthworks/concrete/grouting)
Mike joined Connect Group in 2019 as the Quality Manager and has been integral in the revamp and implementation on our Quality Management System. Mike’s technical and personal leadership is a key component of CGI’s team.